Monthly Archives: August 2015

New pieces up in Wyvern!

I have two flash fiction pieces up in the latest issue of Wyvern. Wyvern is an incredible literary journal and this issue is particularly phenomenal. I’m so flabbergasted at my good luck to be included among such amazing pieces of writing. Read the issue here

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The Return of Pints

Dear Readers,

Pints was away for summer and I much needed read-cation (almost a hundred books read and some were so excellent..Man, oh, man.). However, to catch everyone up, here were some pieces published while I was away:

Automatism (in Lockjaw)

All Along the Mall (in The Future Fire)

Once for Yes and Twice for No (in Cheap Pop)

Things We Found on the Recording We Analyzed for EVP (in After the Pause)

In further awesomesauce news, I also have pieces forthcoming in Wyvern, Apex, Diabolical Plots, The Quotable, and the Horror Writers of America’s Poetry Showcase for 2015!

Plus, never you worry, Pints will be making much more frequent updates here on writing, reading, baking, and of course more EBCP interviews. So stay tuned!

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